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Riot Game's Valorant mobile is coming


Valorant mobile: Release date, updates,  and more 

It’s confirmed —Valorent mobile is finally coming!

Riot Game's tactical first-person shooter is coming to mobile devices soon according to the game’s executive producer Anna Donlon, in an interview with Polygon.

Riot Games Global Influencer Programs Lead Ali Miller tweet, shunning leaks and rumors about the game. 

Right now, Valorant mobile is in its development stages. Riot Games wants to give players a different experience compared to Valorant PC.

Because of this, it might take some time before the game is officially launched on mobile, as leaks say it may take a year or so. Developing a game is a very complete and time-consuming process, so the only thing we can do is wait.

Here’s how Valorant might look like on mobile 

The developers haven’t revealed much about how Valorant would look on mobile, only that there are no plans for cross-play between the PC and mobile version.

So that’s it, everything about Valorent mobile Visit our Website for more gaming stuff. Thank You!

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